RUMAH Bubuk Mutiara

Pigmen Mutiara Halus Warna Emas Kelas Kosmetik

Pigmen Mutiara Halus Warna Emas Kelas Kosmetik

Seri Emas Tuocai dilapisi dengan titanium dioksida dan oksida besi pada permukaan mika. Ini dapat menghasilkan kilau emas berbagai rona dengan secara tepat mengontrol rasio lapisan titanium dioksida dan besi oksida. Ini tidak beracun dan tidak berasa, sangat baik dalam ketahanan suhu tinggi, ketahanan asam dan alkali, tahan cahaya dan non-konduktivitas. Ini memecahkan masalah perubahan warna bubuk tembaga tradisional dalam kondisi parah. Warna emas seri ini lengkap,

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ModelWarnaUkuran partikelMikaTiO2SnO2Fe2O3
TC302HEmas satin5-25μm 
TC323HEmas satin kerajaan5-25μm
TC300HEmas mutiara10-60μm 
TC303HEmas kerajaan10-60μm
TC305HBahan satin cerah10-60μm
TC306HEmas Olimpiade10-60μm 
TC307HEmas dalam10-60μm 
TC308HEmas klasik10-60μm 
TC351HEmas berkilauan10-100μm 
TC353HKilatan emas10-100μm
TC355HEmas berkilau20-100μm
TC3531HEmas merah berkilau40-200μm

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Pigmen mika bubuk mutiara seri putih perak

KarakteristikProduk Seri Perak memiliki ciri warna putih yang bagus dan kilau mutiara yang nyata. Menurut bentuk kristal titanium dioksida, dapat dibagi menjadi dua jenis: tipe rutil dan tipe anatase, dan produk seri rutil memiliki ketahanan cuaca yang lebih kuat. Rangkaian produk pigmen mutiara ini memiliki banyak spesifikasi ukuran partikel, ukuran partikel halus akan menghasilkan efek lembut dan halus, dan ukuran partikel kasar akan menghasilkan efek kilau yang kuat.

Pigmen mutiara seri emas

Seri Emas Tuocai dilapisi dengan titanium dioksida dan oksida besi pada permukaan mika. Ini dapat menghasilkan kilau emas berbagai rona dengan secara tepat mengontrol rasio lapisan titanium dioksida dan besi oksida. Ini tidak beracun dan tidak berasa, sangat baik dalam ketahanan suhu tinggi, ketahanan asam dan alkali, tahan cahaya dan non-konduktivitas. Ini memecahkan masalah perubahan warna bubuk tembaga tradisional dalam kondisi parah. Warna emas seri ini lengkap,

Bubuk mutiara pigmen mutiara seri berlian

Seri Diamond adalah pigmen efek mutiara berkilau tinggi khusus yang terbuat dari bahan kristal transparan tinggi baru berdasarkan oksida logam seperti titanium dioksida. Dibandingkan dengan produk lain, fitur terbesarnya adalah indeks bias yang tinggi dan efek lampu kilat yang sangat kuat. Secara khusus, rangkaian produk berlian dapat memantulkan sinar, cahaya bintang, dimensi optik seperti berlian, dan perubahan warna yang menakjubkan dengan lebih baik.

Pigmen Mutiara Halus Warna Emas Kelas Kosmetik

Seri Emas Tuocai dilapisi dengan titanium dioksida dan oksida besi pada permukaan mika. Ini dapat menghasilkan kilau emas berbagai rona dengan secara tepat mengontrol rasio lapisan titanium dioksida dan besi oksida. Ini tidak beracun dan tidak berasa, sangat baik dalam ketahanan suhu tinggi, ketahanan asam dan alkali, tahan cahaya dan non-konduktivitas. Ini memecahkan masalah perubahan warna bubuk tembaga tradisional dalam kondisi parah. Warna emas seri ini lengkap,

Pigmen mutiara seri emas TC300

Seri Emas Tuocai dilapisi dengan titanium dioksida dan oksida besi pada permukaan mika. Ini dapat menghasilkan kilau emas berbagai rona dengan secara tepat mengontrol rasio lapisan titanium dioksida dan besi oksida. Ini tidak beracun dan tidak berasa, sangat baik dalam ketahanan suhu tinggi, ketahanan asam dan alkali, tahan cahaya dan non-konduktivitas. Ini memecahkan masalah perubahan warna bubuk tembaga tradisional dalam kondisi parah. Warna emas seri ini lengkap,

TC302 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC303 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC323 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC305 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC306 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC307 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC308 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC351 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC353 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC355 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC3531 Gold series pearlescent pigment

Tuocai Gold Series is coated with titanium dioxide and ferric oxide on the surface of mica. It can produce a golden luster of various hue by precisely controlling the coating ratio of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide. It is non-toxic and tasteless, excellent in high temperature resistance, acid and alkali resistance, light resistance and non-conductivity. It solves the problem of discoloration of traditional copper powder under severe conditions. The gold color of this series is complete,

TC100 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC101 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC103 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC108 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC110 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC111 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC120 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC123 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC151 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC153 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC163 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 

TC173 Silver white series pearlescent powder mica pigment

Characterics Silver Series products are characterized by good whiteness and a pronounced pearl luster. According to the crystal form of titanium dioxide, it can be divided into two types: rutile type and anatase type, and the rutile series products have stronger weather resistance. This series of pearl pigments products has many particle size specifications, the fine particle size will produce a soft and smooth effect, and the coarse particle size will produce a strong scintillation effect. 


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